Teaching Methods with Technology

I will be using Student-centered Instruction the most in my classroom. This allows students to learn and gain knowledge through individual and group work. In student-centered teaching environment, I will make sure that my students understand and have knowledge from real life problems and experiences. I will also assess my students on different projects that they complete. But, my students will have different kinds of options when it comes to completing projects. They will be able to do PowerPoints, poasterboards, timelines, and other online activities.


I plan on using all sorts of technological ways when I am a teacher. Some of the technological ways are by using the smart board that we have in the classrooms. They allow us as teachers to be able to save a lesson on the smart board and be able to refer back to it for later times. Also using laptops and ipads will be a big factor in my classroom as being a History teacher they will have to be able to look up information.


Through my use of technology in the classroom. I hope to create a teaching profile of being a technology using teacher. I will also have my students play digital games on other websites in order to learn new information. I want my students to interact and grow in their knowledge of technology. I hope that being technology based in the classroom that my students will find all sorts of ways to find new information through all sources.